Saturday, February 21, 2009

The 'Remix'

I believe that an image should speak for itself- that is to say that no gimmicks should be needed to make an image interesting. That being said I sometimes like to give some of my images a second run through in post- production using different techniques. I like to think of my photography as though I were a musician. I think that interesting results can come from approaching one means of expression in the mindset of another- of meshing the two artistic worlds. This is how my 'remix' photographs are born. Images that appear elsewhere can be given second life and perhaps appeal to a different audience with the application of some different post-production techniques. I sometimes think that this might somehow cheapen the first image and that the first try should be the final try (just as in music because most remixes pale in comparison to the originals) however, I also believe that when I'm in a different space creatively I can potentially improve an image if not at least create something different and interesting. At a time when I am trying to discover where I fit in the world of photography, my remix photography is worth doing, if for no other reason than that it is a lot of fun.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Emma and John Paul

We had the wonderful privilege of shooting the wedding of our new friends Emma and John Paul recently in Banff. It was cold but the bride and groom were good sports and the ceremony was beautiful- great view of the Three Sisters Mountains. Enjoy these images from the day and all the best to Emma and John Paul.